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Translation of children's literature (ID:140960)

Тип роботи: реферат
Сторінок: 11
Рік виконання: 2013
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CONTENTS Introduction 2 1. Children's Literature and its Characteristics 3 1.1. Literary Translation 4 2. Children's Literature and its Translation 4 2.1.Norms of Translating Children's Books 5 2.2.The Systemic Affiliation 7 2.3.The Stylistic Norms 8 Conclusion 10 List of references 11
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Зразок роботи
Introduction Children's literature is a remarkable area of writing and a growing area of study. In the history of children's literature, Hunt (2005) identifies fantasy, warmth and security as key characteristics of children's literature. Oittinen (2000, p.168) emphasizes the impact that the translator's view of childhood has on his or her translation. She believes that the translators of children's literature should reach out to the children of their own culture; they should understand the realm of childhood, the children around them and the child in themselves. Concerning the importance of the young readers as the valuable national asset, translating children's literature is a very significant task. Ghesquiere (2006) wonders if children's literature needs translation. She (2006) answers that since a large group of children seems to enjoy children's books, they play a role in the development of a positive reading attitude and she assumes that they motivate the more reluctant readers towards reading.
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