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Bachelor’s paper English in Twitter (ID:416572)

Тип роботи: бакалаврська
Сторінок: 67
Рік виконання: 2020
Вартість: 250
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CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 4 1. THEORETICAL FUNDAMENTALS OF STUDYING TWITTER LANGUAGE 7 1.1. Social networks and their role in modern communication discourse 7 1.2. The distinguishing features of Twitter as a digital platform 17 1.3. Twitter as a genre of Internet discourse 23 Conclusions to chapter 1 29 2. LINGUISTIC FEATURES OF COMMUNICATION ON TWITTER 31 2.1. Lexical and grammatical peculiarities of tweets 31 2.2. Stylistic analysis 40 2.3. Communicative strategies and tactics of tweets 49 Conclusions to chapter 2 56 CONCLUSION 58 REFERENCE 61 LEXICOGRAPHIC RESOURCES 66 DATA SOURCES 67
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INTRODUCTION The development of technologies has made possible the emergence of a new type of mass media – social media. The noticeable growth of social media in recent years has had a tremendous impact on public consciousness and on the model of disseminating information both in the world and within a single society. In this regard, the concept of “consumer generated media” was gradually introduced into scientific circulation. This term describes the most important part of changes in the media sphere. Texts written not by journalists, but by those who are not directly involved in creating a mass information product, have become a full-fledged part of the information picture of the world [30, p. 299]. Today, Twitter is most often used to read news and statements, followed by discussions, the exchange of personal news etc. In this case, microblogs are not a competitor or replacement of blogs, as many researchers believe. This is, first and foremost, an addition to blogs that are designed to avoid burdening them with short posts. The frequency of updating the microblog is usually higher than that of regular blogs and, accordingly, the interactivity of the microblog is higher than that of the blog [14, p. 254]. A review of scientific literature on the test question, namely: the English language in Twitter (S. Johnson [50], G. Lakoff [52], J. Terzi [55], A. Sandre [55], K. Weller [58], A. Bruns [58], J. Burgess [58], B. Dubois [46], J. Golbeck [49], J. Grimes [49], A. Rogers [49] etc.) makes it possible to argue that in modern linguistics this problem is not given enough attention. The study of political Internet communication attracts researchers of different directions: political science, sociology, socio- and psycholinguistics. As for the linguistic research of new Internet genres, in particular Twitter, used in the field of politics, there are not so many scientific works on this topic that determine the relevance of the study.
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