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Bachelor’s paper Friend and enemy. Opposition in modern English (ID:416573)

Тип роботи: бакалаврська
Сторінок: 51
Рік виконання: 2020
Вартість: 250
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CONTENT INTRODUCTION 3 1. LINGUOCULTURAL CONCEPT AS A UNIT OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE WORLD PICTURE 6 1.1. Linguocultural Concept: approaches to its study 6 1.2. Structural organization of the concept and its typology 15 Conclusion to chapter 1 21 2. LINGUOCULTURAL REPRESENTATION OF THE FRIEND/ENEMY OPPOSITION IN MODERN ENGLISH 22 2.1. Peculiarities of the FRIEND/ENEMY concept opposition by native English speakers 22 2.2. Formation and functioning of semantic fields of «friend/enemy» in English 28 Conclusion to chapter 2 39 CONCLUSIONS 40 SUMMARY 42 REFERENCES 45
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INTRODUCTION The conceptual model FRIEND/ENEMY is one of the main distinctions which forms a value system and reflects the uniqueness of perception and reality due to the specific features of a particular culture. The psychological reality conditionally denoted by this opposition and its representation is an important topic of research. Reflecting inter- and intra-ethnic relations, the opposition is "friend/enemy" connected with such psychological phenomena as formation of ethnic (national) self-consciousness, social behavior. Representations connected with this opposition, their oppositional character are caused by the process of formation, development and change of relations of people with the world of real objects, peculiarities of personality's perception of these relations, their evaluation and formation of the program of further interactions. Therefore, the conceptual model FRIEND/ENEMY is revealed differently in linguistics, psychology, ethnology, sociology, political science, literature studies. Such scientists have researched this opposition as I. Sternin, Z. Popova, M. Hizova, Y. Averin, V. Zusman, O. Balyasnikova, O. Kitanina, A. Garmashm, V. Krasnych, G. Kozyrev, Z. Kychkarev, but this area is still subject to further research. This research analyzes two important concepts that are related to the participants in original interpersonal relationships such as friendship and enmity. The interest to these concepts is determined by the fact that while studying them; it is possible to reveal the basis on which the norms of relations between "me" and "the other" emerge. One of the possibilities available to an individual to express his or her individual will and right to personal choice is the choice of a friend.
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