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КГУ, варіант № 9, Англійська мова (VII семестр), №2533 (ID:15525)

Тип роботи: контрольна
Сторінок: 15
Рік виконання: 2006
Вартість: 100
Купити цю роботу
1. Завдання № 1 Complete the table of irregular verbs. Infinitive Past Tense Past Participle break …………… …………… …………… burnt …………… …………… …………… drawn fall …………… …………… …………… got …………… …………… …………… hit hurt …………… …………… …………… meant …………… …………… shut …………… …………… …………… stood throw …………… …………… …………… won …………… 2. Завдання № 2 Put the words in the right order. 1. glad hear I job liked new that to was you your . 2 easy for she's to very work . 3 either German I Japanese learn or to want. 4. randmother is my nice talk to to very . 5.4.30 at meeting's on the Thursday . 6. be I'll in minutes ready ten . 3. Завдання № 3 Put the right form of the verb. 1 I get up as soon as I (wake up) 2 Why don't you telephone me just before you leave the office? 3. What does Jill plan to do when she finish school? 4 One evening last week I have supper when the telephone ring It was someone 5 If I not be my children when I was younger, I have a very good mother 4. Завдання № 4 Complete the sentences with words from the box. Use some words more than once. 5. Завдання № 5 Put a, an, or, the if necessary; or don't put anything. 6. Завдання № 6 Read a letter offering an interview. Fill in the gaps with the words and expressions from the box. Mind that there are some extra words in the box. 7. Завдання № 7 Put one or more words into each gap. 8. Завдання № 8 Choose three of the following subjects and add ten or more words for each. 9. Завдання № 9 Write about 100 words or more in a short letter to your best friend telling him/her how you usually spend your weekends. 10. Завдання № 10 All these words are stressed on the second syllable. In some words the vowel in the first syllable is pronounced /э /, and in some the first vowel is pronounced /I/. Which ones? Make two lists. About alive become compartment decide delay enough escape photographer police prefer remember research tonight 11. Завдання № 11 Read the text and answer the questions. Література
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