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The secret of success of Conan Doyle and his main character Sherlock Holmes (Секрет успіху Конан Дойла та його головного героя Шерлока Холмса) (ID:987283)

Тип роботи: стаття
Сторінок: 3
Рік виконання: 2021
Вартість: 100
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None of the literary heroes have such an active post-mortem activity as Sherlock Holmes. Numerous sequels and prequels, endless screen adaptations, theatrical performances and imitation on the theme of "Sherlock Holmes" have become commonplace. According to the number of screenings, "Sherlock Holmes" hit the Guinness Book of Records - 210 times. And this is not the end. There are lots of different clubs, societies, communities, and more recently - sites dedicated to Sherlock Holmes, so the study of such great success is very relevant. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 to 1930) was a Scottish author who wrote science fiction, historical novels, poetry, plays, and non-fiction. He is perhaps best known for his detective stories starring Sherlock Holmes. An exceptional feature of Sherlock Holmes is the ability to carefully and vigilantly notice in the surrounding world such phenomena, by which we usually pass, like the blind. He is rarely observant. It is worth him to look at any person, and he will tell you what this person does, what kind of person he is, whether he is married or single and what his past life is. This observation seems almost supernatural. He developed it in himself for many years of training, for observability, like all other faculties of the mind, can be refined and improved. Every story about Sherlock Holmes is a vivid lesson about the power of the human mind. Here the main value of this whole series of stories.