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Socio-economic aspects of a career management in the organization (ID:155910)

Тип роботи: курсова
Сторінок: 36
Рік виконання: 2015
Вартість: 350
Купити цю роботу
Table of contents Introduction 3 1. Theoretical approaches of career management. 5 1.1. Career management as a concept and field of practical activities. 5 1.2. Analysis of career management experience in foreign countries. 8 1.3. Analysis of career management experience in Ukraine. 10 2. Analysis of principles and methods of career management. 13 2.1. Classification of the principles and methods of career management. 13 2.2. Social aspects of formation methods of career management. 17 2.3. Economic aspects of formation methods of career management. 21 3. Development of social and economic processes of career management within organization. 25 3.1. Career Management in the management system the organization. 25 3.2. Future development of social and economic processes of career management in the organization. 29 Conclusions 32 Bibliography 34
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