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The linguistic devices for description of the concept “AMERICAN DREAM” in the novel “Martin Eden” by Jack London (ID:130258)

Тип роботи: дипломна
Сторінок: 41
Рік виконання: 2016
Вартість: 200
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INTRODUCTION 3 CHAPTER 1. THE CONCEPT “DREAM” AS A LINGUISTIC PHENOMENON 5 1.1. The definition of concept 5 1.2. The structure of concept 10 1.3. The concept “Dream” in linguistic studies 13 Conclusions to Chapter 1 14 CHAPTER 2. MEANS OF VERBALIZATION OF THE CONCEPT “AMERICAN DREAM” IN THE NOVEL “MARTIN EDEN” BY JACK LONDON 15 2.1. Lexical devices representing the concept “American dream” 15 2.2. Stylistic devices representing the concept “American dream” 23 2.3. Cultural connotations within the concept “American dream” 28 Conclusions to Chapter 2 35 CONCLUSIONS 36 BIBLIOGRAPHY 38
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On the one hand, the concept and meaning of words have some similarities. The human mind, is localized in the brain reflects the objective and subjective reality. And the concept and meaning are a reflection of reality (objective and subjective). They are educational in nature and present the result of reflection and knowledge of reality the human mind. In other words, the content of the concept reflects certain aspects of the phenomena of reality, and the same meaning, which is informative in nature. On the other hand, they have some differences. The meaning and concept are products of different levels. We can oppose the concepts and values as mental units belonging to the cognitive and linguistic human consciousness, respectively. The concept is the product of cognitive human consciousness, while the value of the product of linguistic consciousness [Gunina NA against the concept of value]. The complexity of the concept of a two-way relationship between language and the mind. Mental linguistic categories represented by category, and at the same time determined by them; in other words, culture determines the concept (ie, the concept is the mental projection of cultural elements). The relationship between the phenomena of the "language" and "culture" is very complicated, because the language is part of culture and at the same time the external factor to the culture; language and speech are the areas where the concept of "objectified". Thus, the nature of concepts and their relation to the things of which they are concepts, and to the minds that use or contemplate them, are among the most hotly contested subjects in modern linguistics [Gunina NA Concept vs. Value]. Nevertheless, the concept of multi-dimensional, and it allows different approaches to determining the structure and its spirit. In addition to the conditional basis, it includes social and mental-cultural part, subjective associations, emotions, typical estimates for the man. The lack of common understanding "the concept of" term associated with the lack of affinity of the methodological and theoretical orientations cognitive schools. In general, there are four main approaches to the nature of the cognitive paradigm: cultural, semantic, mental and socio-biological. Undoubtedly, the common point of these approaches is the adoption of undeniable links between language, consciousness and social environment (culture). In the study of the concepts, one cannot ignore the cultural factor, and the fact that you can access the content of concepts, mainly through language [Pesina C. Concepts in cognitive, p. 587].