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Teaching Intonation, Rhythm and Stress. (ID:179142)

Тип роботи: курсова
Сторінок: 25
Рік виконання: 2015
Вартість: 1500
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Introduction 1. The methodology of teaching English……………………………………….5 1.1. General characteristics of the aspects of teaching English……………...5 1.2. Pronunciation as an inalienable aspect of a language………………...…8 2. Teaching English Prosody…………………………………………………..10 2.1. The difficulties in teaching English Prosody…………………………..10 2.2. The peculiarities of English intonation………………………………...12 2.3. The peculiarities of English stress and rhythm……………………….…14 3. Techniques and tools of teaching prosodic features…………………………..16 3.1. Activities for teaching intonation………………………………………16 3.2. Activities for teaching stress…………………………………………...18 3.3. Activities for teaching rhythm………………………………………....20 Conclusion References
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Introduction People are always curious about the world in which they live and wish to perceive and master it. As human beings, we cannot do without language fundamental principle of which is pronunciation. This aspect is no different from any other source of knowledge in this respect. Pronunciation is one of the crucial elements that is necessary to master any language. Its main aim is to enable learners to carry out their communication purposes. The knowledge of pronunciation, its features and functions has a great impact such skills as reading, speaking, learning a foreign language and general thinking. Pronunciation gives us the ability to talk about the choices we make in the process of communication. English teaching has moved to language functions, and communicative competence, as a new urgency for the teaching of pronunciation has arisen. According to teaching experience, a great number of students have many difficulties in pronunciation. When speaking English, with very little or poorly trained pronunciation skills, they have problems either making themselves understood or understanding others. It is impossible to imagine the development of pronunciation as a separate language aspect without an input of such prominent linguists as David Crystal, Jason Baldridge, Bas Aarts, John Benjamins, Noam Chomsky, Charles Fries, A. J. Thomson and many others. All these scholars made many efforts into a detailed research of the English language system in general. This course paper comprises such components as an introduction, three chapters each of which is divided into two or three subchapters, conclusions, and references. As far as the structure and content are concerned the work is divided into theoretical and practical parts. The theoretical part describes the general notion of the methodology of teaching English, characteristic features, and functions of English pronunciation, its components, and difficulties in teaching English prosody. The practical part comprises the specific information concerning the activities on training English intonation, stress, and rhythm. The topicality of this topic is demonstrated in the great need of deep investigation of English language system that is realized in prosody. The knowledge of learners of this particular aspect will help them to master and understand one of the most challenging parts in the English language. The object of this course paper is the English language prosody and its components such as intonation, stress, and rhythm, the techniques and methods to be applied to teach them. The subject of this course paper is the methodological articles and books on the English language prosody. The aim of the course paper is to investigate the peculiarities of English pronunciation, reveal its features and practical realization in the process of communication. The tasks that are put by this course paper are following: • To thoroughly examine the structure of English prosody • To give very clear and complete characteristics of its components such as intonation, stress, and rhythm • To organize or class all the knowledge about these components • To present practical techniques for teaching intonation, rhythm, and stress • To use all the obtained knowledge and skills practically in order to prevent all the mistakes in the communication process The practical value of this course paper reveals itself in the further possibility of usage of these materials in the teaching and learning process. The work comprises complete characteristics of the English prosody components as well as a wide range of different methods and activities that may be useful in the process of teaching the language. To sum up, this paper will attempt to address the common and serious pronunciation errors that learners produce. Activities related to the correction of these errors are designed to meet students' different learning styles, namely auditory, visual, tactile, and kinesthetic learning. The paper will cover the three areas of pronunciation: intonation, stress, and rhythm.