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Ніжин, Варіант №1, Англійська мова, №3250 (ID:17412)

Тип роботи: контрольна
Дисципліна:Іноземна мова
Сторінок: 13
Рік виконання: 2010
Вартість: 100
Купити цю роботу
Завдання №1 Прочитайте та перекладіть текст українською мовою AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS Agricultural economics is a field of economics dealing with the economic problems associated with agriculture, the efficiency of farm production being one of them and most important. Some other economic problems are intensification and specialization of agricultural production, farm planning and management, labour productivity, prices for farm produce, marketing of farm produce, etc. Production cost is the main indication of the efficiency of a farm. It includes the value of the means of production to be used in the production process, the remuneration to be paid to the farm labourers and the cost of farm management. In order to obtain high incomes any agricultural enterprise is to decrease the production cost of farm produce by proper use of land, labour and machinery, by increasing the total marketable output and by improving the quality of farm produce, since high - quality products are known to be sold at market at higher prices. For farm enterprises to be more profitable and efficient the cost accounting principle is widely applied now on our collective and state farms. It involves operational independence, that is, the head of an enterprise may take independent decisions as to the activities of his enterprise. Due to introduction of cost accounting system all the farmers have become interested in finding n potentialities for making their enterprises more profitable. Thus, the production cost being low, the profit of the enterprise increases. Завдання №2 Дайте відповідь на запитання – англійською мовою 1. What is agricultural economics? 2. What is the main indication of the efficiency of a farm? 3. What must any agricultural enterprise do to obtain high incomes? 4. What is applied on farm enterprise to be more profitable and efficient? Завдання №3 Випишіть речення в якому вжите дієслово у 3-й особі однини Present Indefinite Tense і перекладіть його на українську мову: а) Не could see a big room almost empty; b) "Go ino the kitchen," said the man; c) There was big lock on the cupboard; d) "But isn't this your own supper?" I asked. Завдання №4 Випишіть із тексту 4 речення з прийменниками: into, for, by, over. Due to introduction of cost accounting system all the farmers have become interested in finding potentialities for making their enterprises more profitable. Завдання №5 Підкресліть в словах префікс, суфікс, перекладіть слова: resistant, nonconducting, overestimate, heroic, sunny, indirect, unpleasant, workable, semicircle, development, breakage, harden, worthward, hardly. Завдання №6 Складіть речения, застосовуючи дієслова в Present Continuous Tense: to watch TV, to read a book, to play with toys. Завдання №7 Напишіть множину наступних іменників: a photo, a cup, a match, a wife, a story. Завдання №8 Напишіть числівники словами: 5, 16, 23, 117, 35, 12, 48. Завдання №9 Утворіть ступені порівняння прикметників: long, nice, easy, hot, difficult, bad. Література
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