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Gender peculiarities of modern phraseology units structure and semantics (ID:177247)

Тип роботи: магістерська
Дисципліна:Іноземна мова
Сторінок: 86
Рік виконання: 2012
Вартість: 2500
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CONTEXT Page INTRODUCTION………………………………………………………………….4 PART I. THEORETICAL FOUNDATION OF GENDER COMPONENT OF MODERN PHRASEOLOGY UNITS……………………………………………...7 1.1. Investigation of gender stereotyping in modern English………………....7 1.2. The main differences in stereotype features of men’s and women’s speech according to linguistic identities……………………………………..21 1.3. Phraseological unit as a matter of phraseology and its main gender component……………………………………………………………27 PART II. THE PECULIARITIES OF USING GENDER-MARKING PHRASEOLOGY UNITS……………………………….34 2.1. The studying of the PUs in the modern gender linguistics……….…….34 2.2. The systematic analysis of gender differences of English vocabulary…43 2.3. The national specific of idioms with gender lexical components……...47 PART III. STRUCTURAL AND SEMANTIC MODIFICATION OF PU IN THE ENGLISH LITERARY DISCOURSE AND ITS GENDER ASPECT………..…58 3.1. Types of structural and semantic conversions of phraseological units in modern English……………………………………………………………58 3.2. British paramy as an implementing gender stereotypes meaning ………64 CONCLUSION………………………………………………………………….75 BIBLIOGRAPHY…………………………………………………………….....79 RESUME………………………………………………………………………...86 APPENDIX
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INTRODUCTION This work is devoted to the studying of gender peculiarities in the structure and semantics of phraseological units (PU). Gender-based approach investigates the phenomenon of masculinity and femininity in the culture, ideology and mass consciousness, differentiates the male and female roles, activities and status, verbal behavior of speakers of different sex. It is relatively new, unconventional aspect of the assessment of linguistic material. The actuality of the paper is determined by the complex approach to the study of modern English PU in the gender aspect. The investigation of causes of gender variation of speech requires the integration of three levels of analysis: biological, psychological and social. Biological sex is given to man by birth, but gender identity, awareness of belonging to a particular gender, is the result of complex biosocial process, which combines ontogenesis, gender socialization and identity development. Undoubtedly, that in the process of establishing gender identity the important place takes language, because the acquaintance with the world is carried through language. It is the initial categorization phenomenon and the primary category, through which the child is aware of its own "I", is sexual identity. Moreover, the social experience is transmitted through language, which fixes the system of skills, abilities, actions, the forms of relations in the ways of communication. Gender stereotypes of speech play an important role in society. They not only affect the men’s and women’s speech, but also impose certain impact on people of different speech sexes. PUs have a special place in English word stock. Their specific structure attracts considerable interest of scientists and on the other hand is required serious analysis of content and form of linguistic units. PU is a part of the culture of English people, so you need to know and understand their structure and semantics of the essence. Besides realizing the PU semantics it is difficult to understand the nature of national thinking of native speakers. Phraseological units present gender features, roles and behaviors. They are a powerful factor in forming and displaying stable associations and prejudices, which practically can not be criticized and perceived axiomatically. So, English PU functions as a means of linguistic objectification of gender stereotypes. Thus, the goal is to study the gender differentiation in the structure of modern PU. Achieving this goal requires solving specific tasks: • to identify the content and features such as gender stereotypes, which can affect on cognitive prejudice and regulate individual behavior in the social relations; • to explore gender stereotyping in modern linguistics; • to reveal the structural and semantic transformation of PU; • to illustrate the structural and semantic modification of idioms in the English literary discourse and its gender dimension. The research is based on theoretical postulates of such linguists as R. Lakoff, R. Freeman, B. Makelinni, O. Goroshko, A. Kyrylina, A. Montaori, V.V. Vinogradov, A. Makkay, A. Kunin and others. The object of this investigation is to reveal and describe the gender component of the modern phraseology, to research its structure and semantics. The subject-matter is English PU, which functions as a meaning of linguistic objectification of gender component. The first attempts to study a gender-specific language were largely stereotyped as were based primarily on evaluation criteria - gender. Further development of the problem leads researchers to the necessity to modify the stereotypical perceptions of male and female speech through the incorporation of other impact of the speech behavior, such as social roles, the scope of work, the individual features of character etc. The scientific significance of the investigation lies in the use of reliable methods of analysis (such as component and contextual analysis) and the broad scope of lexicographic and theoretical sources, analyses and systematization of the scientific material, analyses of periodical publication and the analysis of English phraseological units. The theoretical significance of the paper lies in a through analysis of gender and phraseology. We have tried to discuss different points of view about term “gender” and which role it plays in English phraseology. Also careful attention is paid to types of structural and semantic conversions of phraseological units. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the attempt to systemize the most popular types of English phraseological units; to find out and describe particular features of English idioms; to review the main differences in stereotype features of men’s and women’s speech according to linguistic identities. The practical value of the given research is opportunity to apply the data to the process of teaching English at the university: in studying semantics, lexicology, stylistics and translation. It can be used at practical English classes and at the lectures. Introduction, Part I. “Theoretical foundation of gender component of the modern phraseology units”, Part ІІ. “The peculiarities of using gender-marking phraseology units”, Part III. “Structural and semantic modification of idioms in the English literary discourse and its gender aspect”, Conclusion, Bibliography and Appendix