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Тип роботи: магістерська
Дисципліна:Іноземна мова
Сторінок: 118
Рік виконання: 2018
Вартість: 3500
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INTRODUCTION 4 CHAPTER ONE. THEORETICAL BACKGROUND OF STUDYING PHENOMENON OF SPEECH ETIQUETTE……………………………………………..…………………………..9 1.1 Theoretical and Methodological Approaches to Study of Speech Etiquette.. 8 1.2 Speech Etiquette and Category of Politeness 15 1.3 Speech Etiquette as Form of Verbal Communication 19 1.3.1 Dialogical Speech as Form of Implementating Etiquette Constructions in Communication 21 1.3.2 Speech Etiquette and Language Norm 22 1.4 Speech Etiquette as Linguocultural and Sociocultural Component of Verbal Communication 25 1.4.1 Speech Etiquette as Sociocultural Means of Communication 29 1.5 Ethnocultural Mentality and Stereotype Through Prism of Triad "National Consciousness – Language – Culture" 34 Conclusions to Chapter One: 39 CHAPTER TWO. MEANS OF ETHNO–CULTURAL REPRODUCTION OF SPEECH ETIQUETTE FORMULAE IN THE ENGLISH AND UKRAINIAN LANGUAGES 40 2.1. Greeting Speech Etiquette Formulae 40 2.2. Speech Etiquette Formulae of Address 55 2.3. Speech Etiquette Formulae of Apology 68 2.4. Parting Speech Etiquette Formulae 79 Conclusions to Chapter Two: 91 GENERAL CONCLUSIONS 94 RÉSUMÉ 97 LIST OF REFERENCE MATERIALS 99 LIST OF LEXICOGRAPHIC RESOURCES 109 LIST OF ILLUSTRATION MATERIALS 111 LIST OF INTERNET RESOURCES 115 APPENDIX 116
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In connection with the growing role of intercultural communication the question of speech etiquette means used in certain communicative situations is of particular interest. Culturally conditioned social interaction is successful when the communicants follow the rules of speech etiquette established in a specific ethnoculture, which are realized with the help of adequate language facilities. The problem of analysing speech etiquette in the context of the communicative-discursive paradigm takes a special place in modern linguistics. The achievements of communicative pragmatics help to solve the problems of communication theory concerning the identification of the postulates of polite successful communication and the identification of global and local strategies for the amiable speech behaviour of communicants, among which speech etiquette is of primarily importance.