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Education system of Great Brittany (University of Cambridge) (ID:202671)

Тип роботи: реферат
Сторінок: 27
Рік виконання: 2017
Вартість: 200
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Contents Introductory 1. Higher education in Great Britain 2. The University of Cambridge. History and organization 3. Colleges, Teaching, schools, faculties and departments in the university of Cambridge. 4. Research, Admissions, Publishing in the University of Cambridge 5. Some an interesting fact about Cambridge 6. Myths, legends and traditions in the University of Cambridge Conclusion The list of the literature
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Зразок роботи
The list of the literature 1. Agencies Date: 2009-12-06 Place: Cambridge (2009-12-06)."Santa hats removed at Cambridge". Mid-day.com. Retrieved2013-01-04. 2. Cambridge in the 1830s: The Letters of Alexander Chisholm Gooden, 1831-1841 (History of the University of Cambridge) 3. The Cambridge Guide to Literature in English. 4. Cambridge and Oxford Adopt U.S. Methods to Win Alumni Donations, Bloomberg.com, 2005-11-30 (retrieved 2008-08-17) 5. Encyclopedia of British Writers, 19th and 20th Centuries. 6. Jamieson, Alastair (2009-11-28). "Santa hats appear on all four spires of King's College Chapel, Cambridge". Telegraph. Retrieved 2013-01-04. 7. The New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature. 8. The Legend of the Austin 7, Gonville & Caius College (6 pages; retrieved 2008-08-17, broken link fixed 2013-06-29) 9. https://orcid.org/members/001G000001CAlw9IAD-university-of-cambridge 10. https://www.jisc.ac.uk/membership 11. http://lizasenglish.ru/interesnye-fakty/kembridzh-gorod-ili-universitet.html Звертайтесь. ел.пошта irenka@i.ua Fb https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100017248744751
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