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Theoretical foundations of reliability and security of management of the transport technologies (ID:588170)

Тип роботи: курсова
Сторінок: 55
Рік виконання: 2022
Вартість: 500
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Plan Introduction Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of reliability and security of management of the transport technologies 1.1. Features of transport technologies and requirements for management of its reliability and security Chapter 2. Analysis of the main performance indicators of the company "Zammler Ukraine". 2.1. General characteristics of the company Zammler Ukraine 2.2. Analysis of management of reliability and safety of transport technologies at the enterprise Chapter 3. Proposals for improving the management reliability and safety of transport technologies at the enterprise 3.1. Formation of a system of measures to improve the reliability and safety of transport technologies at the enterprise Conclusions Literature
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Introduction Today, enterprises engaged in transportation market, operate in a market economy, such as the existing market of transport services, the tendency to increase competition between enterprises and different modes of transport, increasing consumer demand for quality transport services and tariffs. The importance of studying the management of transportation safety and reliability is determined by an extensive growth of this industry all around the globe as modern society demands an advanced transportation system to overcome distances, preferably in a fast, safe, comfortable and reliable way The transport market is represented by several modes of transport and a large number of consumers of their services. In such markets, interaction rather than competition from different modes of transport prevails. A high capital intensity of transport resources, especially permanent devices (railways, highways, pipelines, ports) and the impossibility of flexible maneuvering in space and time limit the use of market mechanisms in the transport market, and the special importance of certain modes of transport requires government regulation interests. The application of transportation technologies in the activities of transport companies can increase their competitiveness, ensure their stable operation in relevant markets with promising growth opportunities, increase customer loyalty and more. Additionally, current modern views on the use of transportation technologies in logistics systems are based on the explanation of the choice of transportation methods, mode of transport, vehicle, carrier, optimization of transport process parameters and more. The object of research is the process of management of transportation safety and reliability within transportation market. The subject of research is the features of transport technologies and requirements for management of its reliability and security. The tasks of the research are: 1. To define the features of transport technologies and requirements for the management of its reliability and security at the enterprise. 2. General characteristics of the company “Zammler Ukraine”. 3. To analyze the transportation processes of the enterprise “Zammler Ukraine” and its state within the transportation market. 4. To define the weaknesses of the enterprise and what could have led to these consequences 5. To propose a system of measures to improve the reliability and safety of transport technologies at the enterprise. Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of reliability and security of management of the transport technologies 1.1 Features of transport technologies and requirements for management of its reliability and security The emergence of enterprises with different status (carriers, freight forwarding, commercial intermediaries, etc.), belonging to different forms of ownership (public, joint stock, private, mixed, etc.), creates conditions for the formation and functioning of the market of transport services (transport market), which becomes the object of study. The market for services exists in unity with the commodity market and is one of its varieties, developing within the general laws of a market economy and subject to these laws. However, it has a number of specific features that determine a special approach to business and marketing activities designed to meet demand for services. The main features of the services market include: - a high degree of differentiation of services (associated with diversification, personalization and individualization of demand for services); - high dynamism of market processes; - territorial segmentation; - high sensitivity to changes in market conditions; - the specifics of the organization of production services. The transport market is oligopolistic, it is represented by several modes of transport and a large number of consumers of their services. In such markets, interaction rather than competition from different modes of transport prevails. With the transition to market relations, the notion of transportation was changed - from transportation as an industry that was equated to industrial sectors of the economy, to the service sector and transport services. As a result, consumers of transport services have begun to choose the types and methods of transportation that provide them with the maximum level of logistics services. (1.) The application of transportation technologies in the activities of transport companies can increase their competitiveness, ensure their stable operation in relevant markets with promising growth opportunities, increase customer loyalty and more. Among the quality transport parameters, reliability is one of the most important components of transport systems. Moreover, it is the main feature, because the customer when concluding a contract for the carriage of goods and passengers need guarantees of quality services. When establishing the relationship between efficiency, quality and reliability of transport systems should try to simplify the choice of criteria for assessing reliability and try to clearly define the concepts of "reliability", "failure", and "management of the reliability of transport systems". (2)
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