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Industry 4.0: features of the digital transformation of Ukraine (ID:533325)

Тип роботи: стаття
Сторінок: 7
Рік виконання: 2021
Вартість: 200
Купити цю роботу
The article examines the features of the implementation of Industry 4.0 in Ukraine, in particular, it was found that new approaches to the functioning of economies, taking into account the processes of globalization, development of science and technology. It is determined that the global pandemic caused by COVID-19, as well as changes occurring in the political, economic, social, environmental and other spheres, lead to accelerating the digitization process. The national strategy of Industry 4.0 is analyzed as well the key directions of realization of the concept of Industry 4.0 in Ukraine with use of experience are offered developed countries. The factors that hinder the process of digitalization of our economy are identified, and also the most common digital technologies used in the world: 3D printing, 5G Internet, Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Reality, Automated Guided Vehicles (AGV), Blockchain, Cloud Technology, Cobot, Cybersecurity, Digital Twin, Drones, IoT and IoT Platforms, Quantum Computing and virtual reality.
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The next indicator is "Technical infrastructure". When determining the score for this indicator data such as active mobile broadband subscriptions, home Internet access, fixed broadband subscriptions and secure Internet servers. And the last indicator in the study is "Technological solutions", which reflects the current the level of readiness of the country for digital technologies. Overall demand for digital goods and services is estimated by examining data on the distribution and quality of mobile networks, Internet use and cloud services. According to the Rating of digital competitiveness of the country in the world (Country-level digital competitiveness rankings worldwide 2020) [20], Ukraine received 48.81 points out of 100 possible. The best the result is the United States, which is recognized as the most competitive country in the world (100 points), in second place place Singapore - 98.05 points. Digital Competitiveness Rating aims to analyze ability countries to apply digital technologies and implement these technologies in enterprises, in government organizations. The rating showed that many Scandinavian countries have occupied high positions in the list and are among the top ten leaders: Denmark - 96.01 points, Sweden - 95.15 points, Norway - 92.17 points and Finland - 91.13 points. According to another study published by IoT Analytics Industry 4.0 & Smart Manufacturing, in 2020 the most common digital technologies used in the world are: 3D printing, 5G Internet, artificial intelligence (Artificial Intelligence), augmented reality, automated guided vehicles Vehicles - AGV), Blockchain technologies, cloud technologies, cobots, cybersecurity, digital Twin, drones, IoT and IoT platforms, quantum computing and virtual reality [21]. Analysis of the world made it possible to identify leaders from introduction of these digital technologies and companies, which ensure the development of science, technology and further digitization of processes of own activity. Leading companies in the world implementing digital technologies, recognized: 1) Siemens, which has developed Industry 4.0 strategy, uses new digital business models and implements Industry 4.0 in its own factories on most digital technologies; 2) GE (General Electric), which implements Digital Twin, sells digital products as well as uses the latest technologies in our own factories; 3) Boeing, which implements Digital Twins, carries out innovative work on various technologies (3D printing, AR, modeling). According to the study "Digital Readiness Index accelerating the digital transformation of the global economy after COVID (The network readiness index 2020 / Accelerating Digital Transformation in a post-COVID Global Economy)) [22], Ukraine occupied 64th place out of 134, receiving the value of the indicator 49.43. This study is conducted on the following indicators: technologies (access, content, technologies); human resources (citizens, entrepreneurs, government); state (trust, regulation, determination); impact (economy, standard of living, contribution to the goal sustainable development). Each indicator is determined by different indicators that are included in its overall calculation. In particular, during the study of the technology indicator are determined: mobile tariffs, network coverage 4G Internet, Internet bandwidth, Internet access in schools, edits to Wikipedia, domain registration on the Internet, mobile development applications, introduction of new technologies, investments in new technologies, patent applications, costs on software, etc.